Sunday 3 November 2013

Week #7 Reflection - The Great Google Docs

Google Docs... How did I not know about this until now? Who within my circle use Google Docs?, and how do they use it?  How can I explore this with my students and with my colleagues (at all three of my jobs).  This will be my mission over the next few weeks.
Don Adams http://img2-2.timeinc.

At the start of this week, my partners and I had a conference call to discuss our CLOUD project. Technically I suppose that was not a digital collaboration, but it was a great way to meet classmates and plan out of digital project.  +KaWai Sabarillo, +Mary Lou Siviero and I reviewed the assignment outline and divided up the tasks among the three of us.  We also shared our EverNote folders, which included the information we had each been collecting for our presentation.  +KaWai was great to send us a summary of the discussion and task distribution.
No Time

+Jeff Stewart had posted to our discussion group his passion for Wiggio.  He mentioned that it "comes equipped with a list of all the different groups you are a part of, it allows you to upload files that are organized in the folder section, it allows you to schedule group events, do conference calling, create documents, send notes to your group members and many more things" (Stewart, 2013). With all the tools we have explored over the last months, I have been looking for a great one to use with my students.  Both my undergrad and my post grad students are involved in projects that require timing, team, and technique. I always hear from them that they struggle getting together with their teammates etc etc. Although a bit late for this semester, I think for the winter semester I will introduce this tool to my students along with Google Docs for their use for planning, plotting and presenting their projects to me.
I have also identified another opportunity for the use of both of these tools with my fellow part-time teachers at Centennial College.  We are currently working on merging two courses into one.  Not having face to face time with my fellow teachers, I will introduce these two tools to collaborate on this project.  

I did also explore Doodle and TodaysMeet and I think on their own they are great tools, but I want to promote one maybe two tools and not 3, 4 or 5 for students and my colleagues to get the same thing done - becomes to confusing for all.

Now back to the CLOUD project, +Mary Lou Siviero and I are now the FAB2 team.  During the week there was a change in our team set up and unfortunately KaWai is no longer working with us.  +Mary Lou Siviero and I rocked it starting Sunday. We first met on TodaysMeet to discuss the redistribution of the work for the Digital Health and Wellness project.  We developed a list of tasks for each of us to complete, some joint tasks and finally a list to review with Caitlin to ensure we were meeting the project rubric.  I had already created a presentation template on Google Docs to start the project ball rolling.  We then met online on Google Docs bright and early Sunday morning and collaborated using our common platform, messaging, and sending notes and comments on each page - it was great!  We were so excited that our short orientation turned into an all day event (on and off anyway).

My biggest connect this week involved my work on my Evernote folders, Google Docs, TodaysMeet and the introduction to Doodle and Wiggio.  I see how I can use these both personally and professionally and an audit of my PLE is ongoing to determine how using the digital knowledge collection will ensure I 'work smarter not harder'. 

Works Cited

Stewart, J. (2013, November). Forums / ADED1P32D03FW2012MAIN Forum / GREAT TOOLS Discussion Forum . Retrieved from Brock University:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jannett, we have many similar thoughts about this weeks learning. Getting together on Google Docs and working collaboratively (and simultaneously) was a great experience.
    I too, am planning to incorporate this tool into my next semesters class. Interestingly, I spoke about Google Docs to my class of 40 students yesterday and no one had heard about this tool. I took about 10 minutes to give them a demo and showed them our work in progress - and they were amazed at the idea. They all gave thumbs up for trying it out next semester for their group presentation. I also, took time to discuss TodaysMeet and Evernote. Again, no one had heard about TodaysMeet but I did have two students who are using Evernote and just 'love it'!
    I took a look at both Wigglo and Doogle, and even though they have benefits for setting up meetings - I rather stick with Google Docs (Drive) at this point since I feel that this program offers the versatility of all the other programs combined. It has been a pleasure working together with you this semester - see you in Google Docs.
