Pod, Web & Screen CASTS - I HATE MY VOICE!

Completing this weeks exercise was a pleasant surprise for me.  It took me several tries and further research on YouTube to finally understand how to embed this screen cast into my new blog page
Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required.             I love the simplicity of a screen cast (once I got the hang of it).  This task stretched my comfort zone, but I see myself using this for my students to teach things like how to sign onto our class tools such as:
* Voice Thread
* Wikispaces
* D2Learn
and even a tutorial on how to cite correctly in a word document or reteaching a lesson that may have been particularly hard for my students. 

Unfriending is not a sin
I still have to explore YouTube and really get into podcasts a bit more.  As is the case with anything new (like this), I need to practice - practice - practice!  I can see my facebook friends un-friending me with all the practice screen and pod casts coming up :).
I do however need to work on my voice and voice tone.  What a great tool to better my in-class presentation skills!  Toastmasters...here I come.


(2012). Unfriending is not a sin [Web Photo]. Retrieved from http://theluckydipper.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/facebook.jpeg

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