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Working In The Cloud
This weeks’ work focused on developing the tools to communicate with my project team by ‘Working in the Cloud’. Would Evernote prove to be the way this heavenly experience would happen?
up Evernote seemed to me to be the ‘pull it all together’ tool for all
the other tools we have been exploring over these first 6 weeks of
class. Based on the videos, blogs, and YouTube videos, Evernote was going to be my digital organization hero.
I started working with Evernote two weeks ago (while we were on break). I went thru the tutorials on the Evernote site and found these excellent and straight forward. I loaded Evernote to my home computer, my work computer, my phone (Samsung III) and my Ipad. Since I would be working in a “cloud” world, I wanted to get a feel for it.
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Evernote Hero http://lisalouisecooke.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10 |
I do not think I realized exactly how much information I have been requesting to read and review lately. But based on all the blogs, YouTube videos, slideshare presentation
and background information research we were assigned this week,
Evernote seems to be the saving grace to channel into one area all my
PLE needs. Having said that, I found myself longing for a
video or blog that said something different and the only one I can
really point to for that was. I did find a blogger - Whitson Gordon - who gave me some alternatives to try. (Gordon)’ March 2013 blog, I've Been Using Evernote All Wrong. Here's Why It's Actually Amazing speaks about the hesitation he and others he works with have about using Evernote for everything. Gordon
acknowledges that a good number of his readers say the same thing: they
have tried it (Evernote) time and time again, but could never really
"get into it." (Gordon, 2013). He then links his blog to one in our readings this week by Melanie Pinola. The diagram reminded me of my old PDA (original palm pilot) and I remembered how it too kept my life in order.
I started setting up my Evernote. I added the web clippings tool, and found myself asking why this is better than my Diigo? I actually really enjoy the Diigo tool for my research and especially the highlighting and snapshot feature. Does Evernote provide that as well? Well
not the same way, but a note created can be a bookmark for a site and
an article relevant to my research can be added directly into my file
folder on Evernote. Very cool.
I took the steps outline in our Learning Activity 1: to create the note
pages, mark web clippings, identify URL’s for my project, get a YouTube
video, uploaded by hand written notes and added tags to each. I
had no luck yet in finding a Google Scholar article interesting to my
research, but I certainly found everything very straight forward – Dare I
move on? Indeed!
I then explored IFTTT and integrated my Twitter account, my feedly, my Diigo and my facebook. Well,
all seemed ok until I opened my Evernote on Saturday (to review my
partners shared folders – yes we had figured that out – YEAH!). I had 2516 notes …yes 2516 notes. All had been fed to my Evernote through my Feedly recipe! YIKES – what a mess. First I disconnected the Feedly recipe and then I had to delete all the useless articles. I still have to figure out where I went wrong with that recipe (took me three hours to clean it up). The whole point behind this is to make my load less and more focused not more overwhelming!
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E-Information Overload http://learningedge adventures.files.wordpress.com/ 2010/09/2008_ 11_overload.jpg |
Evernote is supposed to help me funnel information and sort it. The
lesson learned from the Feedly error awakened me to the danger that I
was now exposing myself completely by channeling everything through
Evernote. What if the account gets hacked? Someone would have everything I am about accessed in one program. How is this going to affect my digital footprint? Will
everyone be able to see everything? Am our now over exposed? I can tell
you I felt completely naked and my level of panic is ‘arisin’! I do not know if I like this…and I really do not know if I am going to keep all these tools active once I complete this course. Way too much information out there about me and I really am uncomfortable with the thought.
week and the introduction of Evernote into my repertoire, has triggered
my need to revisit my PLE or should I say, it has given me pause to
review what I thought was my PLE. I realize that my submission in Week 2 was quite the mess and I truly had no grasp of a PLE or a PLN. Being
awakened to the realization that I really was living in self-imposed
chaotic learning environment, these last few weeks have helped me to
focus both on my learning strength and on weaknesses.
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Jannett Ioannides PLE Tools #1 October 2013 |
I realize I have not given myself enough credit for what I do know and for my existing role as a digital citizen. I have also realized those I work for undervalue me for my skills!
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Jannett Ioannides PLE Tools #2 October 2013 |
decided on Friday to create a list of the digital tools currently
involved in my daily routine and now as part of my PLE (both as a
student and professionally). I was in awe by the number of digital tools I utilize on a daily basis. These are the tools I use almost daily to conduct my work, to lead those I am en-charged with, and to expand my own knowledge base.
To balance out the ‘what I use’, I created a ‘not (yet) used’ list. The ‘used list’ is definitely longer and more impressive than the ‘not used list’.
My job now is to revisit my original PLE and incorporate the digital tools I truly use. I found a new tool, which I am going to utilize for my revised mind map – FreeMind.
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Freemind Lhttp://freemind.source forge.net/wiki/images/6/64/Freemind _logo_by_dyvim.pngogo |
like the simplicity provided in this application and I am going to try
to utilize it with my students for our in class mind-mapping exercises.
wrap up the Evernote experience of the last two week, I am somewhat
uncomfortable with exposing myself as much as I am right now. Not
sure if I am overreacting, but I must assess how comfortable I am with
channeling much of my learning, personal, and education interests and
aspirations (such as those linked through Diigo, gmail, Feedly, Pintrest
etc.) through Evernote. I am feeling rather EXPOSED, WATCHED and very NAKED!
References: Gordon, W. (2013, March 12). I've Been Using Evernote All Wrong. Here's Why It's Actually Amazing. Retrieved from Whitson Gordon's Blog: http://lifehacker.com/5989980/ive-been-using-evernote-all-wrong-heres-why-its-actually-amazing
Pinola, M. (2012, November 29). What's all the fuss about Evernote? Should I be using it? Retrieved from Lifehacker: http://lifehacker.com/5964285/whats-all-the-fuss-about-evernote-why-do-people-use-it
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