My Animoto & My Prezi

This weeks Learning Activities 1 & 2 proved an interesting adventure for me. My computer crashed several times but I managed to get both done. 
My first exploration, was the optional exercise under activity 1.  Here is my Animoto - I call it - The Story of Three. 
It is dedicated to the memory of my youngest brother - Oliver - who passed away tragically three years ago.  I still miss him so terribly and the 30 brief seconds gave me an opportunity to shed a few tears.

The Story of Three
I find the Animoto tool excellent and a great addition to regular classroom presentations.  The only draw back I do see is to get any videos longer than the 30 seconds, you do have to start paying.  I can't see my students (who are already cash strapped) to invest in the pay versions unless it is for one brief project.  I actually see it to be something I could use for personal reflection and sharing of  photos - but I think I need more time to really explore the merits this application can offer both to me and to my classroom environment.

My next adventure was with Prezi.  
I found the adventure with Prezi quite daunting and an awful lot of work.  I can see the use in the classroom though and it would be a welcomed replacement for the 'getting tired of ' powerpoint I am currently boring my students with.  I got better as I worked on it, but I have to say this presentation took me 8 hours to complete (by the time images were collected, sources checked and citations written).  That's too much for me to do for each class right now - will have to build up to it.

I love the creativity of both applications but I want to explore a few more including PhotoPeach (+Mary-Lou said that one was amazing).
I hope you enjoy both and love to hear your comments.

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